
AP Corner January 2021

The Year is New!
So Don't be Blue!
Start a project!
Get out the glue!

Or paint a backdrop,
Build a Car!
You know where your projects are!
Just pause a bit to work the forms
Your AP Project meets the norms!
Your honors wait, so don’t be late
You have to leave the Starting Gate!

We're here to help, so ask ahead.
Finish up before the year is dead!
An MMR upon your wall
Will surely have you standing tall!

You'll learn a lot! That' very true,
And fun you'll have and that's true too!

But work you must lest dreams be dust
And Big Ideas become a bust.
So start the project! Get the Glue!
Let this be the year that's all about you!

The way is clear to start the year
With projects done and in the Clear.
And forms filled out so they are seen.
The Signal's clear ... it shows High Green!