
Board of Directors' Meeting

July 13, 2021

10:00 am - 11:30 am

Commencing: 10:00 am

Participants: T. Erickson, N. LeMay, J. Lutz, D. Kotsonis, B. Kotsonis, J. Ehlen,
B. Campbell, M. Pedersen, G. Mitchell, L. Champagne, T. Oxnard

Opening Remarks: Tage announced that he will not seek another term as division president or as a B.O.D. member. Tage would like to be working more closely with the administration of the Chip Faulter Fund once his term in office ends in January 2022.

Agenda: A motion was made to accept today`s agenda by Jay Ehlen, seconded by Glenn Mitchell. The motion passed.

Reports: Secretary:
No report. A motion was made to accept the minutes of our last B.O.D. meeting by Jay Ehlen, seconded by Glenn Mitchell. The motion passed.

Dave Kotsonis reported a balance in the Treasury of $5,466.54. A copy of the most recent treasurers report is attached.
A note was made that a yearly audit is due with more information to follow.

Switch Tower: No Report

Membership: Lou mentioned that the Seacoast Div. has a total of 175 members.

Webmaster: Steve Russo has indicated he would like to step down from this position. Tage has a replacement in mind and will pursue conversations with him in the immediate future.

A.P. Program: Tom reported that John McHugh has been working on car- building as he seeks another AP certificate. Tom also reviewed the requirements for the AP "Association Volunteer" and "Association Official."

Convention Committee: No Report

Activities Committee: Glenn Mitchell reported that the Quarterly Summer Division Event is well in hand. Two clinics and one tour is planned. A "Practice Session" is planned for this coming Thursday evening for any/all members wanting to get a better grip on using the Zoom.

Regarding the "Fall Event," Glenn will continue discussions with Mike Graham regarding town requirements for use of the Fire House meeting room.

As in past years, the upcoming 2022 "Winter Event" is planned to be held in Westbrook, Maine. This is not finalized yet. Details forthcoming. Tage is working this.

Seacoast Div. will have a table at the Concord Model R.R. show, volunteers are needed to help man the table.

Nominations Committee: No Report

Old Business: Due to its overwhelming success the B.O.D will continue to use the Zoom App for meetings.

Chip Faulter Fund: Dave Kotsonis announced the sale of the NCE Starter Set. Bob Kotsonis did all the "leg-work" and paid the eBay fee out his own pocket. The fund has $10,762.41. Kudos from all to Bob for his efforts.

New Business:
Our Fall Event will be held in-person on October 23, 2021. Mike Grahame and Glenn Mitchell are having discussions regarding town requirements. The Seacoast Division will be observing all State and local pandemic requirements.

Fund Raising: Mike Pedersen made a motion to place a "Donations Jar" in a conspicuous location at future in-person events. Jay Ehlen seconded the motion. Vote was taken, motion passed. Also, a "White Elephant' table with the proceeds going to the division and a silent auction were discussed.

A website donations page with a direct link to PayPal was discussed and will be pursued.

Volunteers are requested to step forward to perform a variety of tasks:

1. Quarterly Event Coordinator. Glenn Mitchell has been doing this task for several years now, and it is time to train some other members to assist Glenn and eventually take over this task. We don`t need one person to do this all the time. We would like to have several members step up and consider doing this periodically.

2. A discussion was held about giving the Quarterly Event Coordinator some help by establishing the position of a "Clinic Coordinator." Jack Lutz has graciously volunteered to help establish a list of clinics and presentations that have been given by members of the Seacoast Division in years past. Jack will be contacting past clinicians and soliciting help and possible upgrades to previous presentations. Thanks to Jack for taking on this responsibility.

Please step up and help in any fashion that you can.

A request was made by Nelson LeMay to change the BOD meeting day from Tuesday to Thursdays. The Board members were able to agree to this request. Therefore, our next B.O.D. meeting will be Thursday, September 2nd.

The NER website has made some changes. Please take a look at it to familiarize yourself with the improvements. Should you encounter any issues with the site, please report them to the NER webmaster, David Abrames, directly. His contact information is located on the back of the NER magazine, the Coupler.

Meeting adjourned at 11:35 am.