I hope this message finds all of you doing well, in spite of the startling increase in coronavirus cases that is sweeping our country. It’s time to update you and pass along the Voting Procedures, so that we can all vote in the Division election. But before we get on to the business of voting, I want to say a few things about where we are as a Division with respect to Covid19.
On Saturday, October 24th, the Seacoast Division held our first ever virtual Zoom meeting. By all accounts, the meeting was a great success. Tom Oxnard and Bob Kotsonis provided 2 terrific clinics and several of our members provided brief show & tell presentations that were also really great. We had about 25 members participate, including some of our members that were living out of State, and also our NMRA President, Pete Magoun was in attendance. In my opinion, virtual meetings are the way of the future.
The Board of Directors has thoroughly discussed the issue of when we can resume in-person quarterly events and has reached the conclusion that we cannot do that at this time. Also, the Seacoast Division will not be sponsoring any other in-person meetings of members or non-members. In spite of the recent announcement by 2 pharmaceutical companies that a vaccine approval is imminent, it will likely be another 6 to 8 months before that is widely available. It is simply not safe to have in-person meetings. Therefore, we will be conducting virtual Zoom meetings in place of our quarterly events, until further notice. This is the safest thing to do under these circumstances.
So I would like to strongly encourage every member to consider joining us at a Virtual Event. Our next Virtual Event is planned for Saturday, January 9, 2021 at 10:00 am. Please make an effort to be a part of this Event. You’ll be very glad that you did!
The election process starts now. The voting procedures for the election are enclosed. We need each of you to please take the time to open the enclosed document and read it very thoroughly. There are two ways to vote, by mail and by e-mail. Please follow the instructions carefully. We would like everyone to have the opportunity to vote. Yes, I know there are only 3 candidates for the 3 positions on the Board of Directors, and this seems like a waste of effort. I can assure you, it is not. Please review the bios for the 3 candidates and vote accordingly. If there is another Division member that you would like to vote for, please enter that person’s name on your ballot. All the ballots must be in the possession of the Division Secretary by Monday, January 4, 2021.
This message and the Division Voting Procedures will also be listed on the Division web site,
. The election results will be announced at the Virtual Zoom meeting on January 9, 2021, and also published on the Division web site.
In closing, l just wanted to say that it has been a pleasure to have had the opportunity to be your Division President for the past 2 1/2 years. I will be requesting the Division Board of Directors to approve my application for another 1 year term as your Division President.
Thank you! I hope to see all of you at our next Virtual Zoom meeting on January 9, 2021. I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!