
Seacoast Division NMRA 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2017

Download document file: AnnualMeetingMinutesJan2017.odt

Erich Whitney opened the meeting by saying that he wanted input from the members of any form.

He introduced new Directors of the Board: Ralph Brown has taken over for Peter McKenney; Glenn Mitchell has taken over for Bill Poor.

All Minutes and Reports have been posted on the website.

The latest Switch Tower has recently been published. Erich asks that all of the members consider sending in information or articles.

Erich asked if there were any questions about the minutes posted.

The Treasurer's Report is in the Switch Tower. No questions.

Membership Report is also in the Switch Tower. Dave Sias remind all of the NMRA rule that states guests are allowed three visits to meetings but then must become members to continue attending. The Division will pay for a guest's Rail Pass for 6 months.

The President's Report is in the Switch Tower. Erich mentioned he passing of long time Director Tom Coulombe and that Tage Erickson has taken his position. There are three Directors who are finishing their three year term: Paul Lessard, Erich Whitney, and Tom Oxnard. All are running for re-election.

Derry Fun Night needs a new coordinator as Bruce Robinson would like to step down.

Meredith NH ops day will be in May and hosted by Dave Sias, Bruce Reynolds, and possibly one other. A date will be set later.

The Seacoast Division participated in some very successful events this year: the Maine Layout Tour, a co-sponsor of the National Narrow Gauge Convention in Augusta, Me, and the NER Convention in Albany. There is a new Division in the NER in western NY that has split from the Canadian Division. This year's NER convention is in Newport RI from Nov 9-12, 2017.

A motion was made to accept all the reports. This passed.

Election: Nominations from the floor were called but no one volunteered. Chip Faulter moved that the slate of three Directors be elected (Paul, Erich, and Tom). The motion passed. It was mentioned that the contact information is on the website.

Meeting Adjourned at 11:04 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Tom Oxnard, Secretary